

Personnel or Human Resources

Germany’s companies are facing major challenges due to the growing shortage of skilled workers. On the one hand, there is a lack of qualified personnel to drive the development of productions and services. On the other hand, the shortage means that delivery dates cannot be met and production capacity cannot be utilized, which can lead to lower growth and potentially the loss of customers. More and more companies are therefore turning to HR interim managers as a possible solution.

HR Interim Managers are used in human resource management to temporarily compensate for the lack of qualified personnel. They are currently in particularly high demand in industry and manufacturing, as this is where the shortage of skilled workers is being felt the most. These managers are usually HR experts or generalists who specialize in the internal processes of the company in question. Their responsibilities include areas such as change management, mergers and acquisitions, compensation and benefits, or payroll.

One of the most important characteristics of successful HR interim managers is their interpersonal skills. You need to establish a relationship of trust with employees in a short time in order to motivate them for upcoming tasks and to solve existing problems or new projects together or to drive them forward. By using HR interim managers, companies can bridge personnel bottlenecks until a suitable candidate for a management position has been found and prepared for his or her future tasks.

Reference projects, among others with the function Personnel / Human Resources

Development of a business unit for an international energy company including sales organization

A leading international energy company was undergoing a comprehensive transformation process. The interim manager was tasked with building up one of the main pillars of ...

Interim PMO – Project Management Office (Development Covid-Testing-Business)

Around the height of the Covid 19 pandemic, a business involving mass testing of cruise ship passengers was to be quickly established for an international ...

Restructuring of the HR department as interim personnel manager

A recent report on the deployment of an interim HR manager at an international group of companies in the special machine construction sector.<!-- AddThis Advanced ...

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