

Do good and talk about it!

Here you will find an overview of current press reports from/about GOiNTERIM and/or on the topic of interim management as well as specialist publications, articles and lectures that we can recommend to you.
We are pleased that you are interested in our company and our topics.

Please feel free to contact us if we can assist you further.

Dr. Martin Ludwig Mayr, MBA, CTE, CIM

CEO / Executive Partner

+43.662.840 662

How can interim managers hedge their risks?

Today, interim managers are deployed in a wide variety of situations – whether in the event of sudden absences or when restructuring a company.


GOiNTERIM asks – Interim Managers answer

Interview with Dr. Bodo Antonic, Executive Interim Manager<!-- AddThis Share Buttons generic via filter on get_the_excerpt ...

Positive development in the interim management market – utilization and fee volume at record levels

Germany continues to experience high demand for highly qualified and experienced temporary professionals and managers. This is the result of the annual market survey conducted ...
Bild 2

Interim Management – Hard times make more work

The Interim Management Congress took place for the 8th time this year: After the Corona damper, the industry is experiencing double-digit growth rates due to ...
221017 Report Personalwirtschaft

The interim management market is booming – also in the HR sector

The staff shortage is reaching the management level, and the need for HR experts is also high. In times of need, many companies hire managers ...

Interim management in uncertain times

Supply chain bottlenecks, the Ukraine war, and currently still drastic increases in energy prices - many medium-sized companies are under massive pressure to act. Interim ...

Awards for Interim Managers

TREND “The management market in Austria is growing at a double-digit rate every year,” says Martin Mayr, board member of the ...<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings ...

Prices for Interim Management in Austria

Medianet VIENNA. Last Friday, September 3, 2021, the umbrella organization Austrian Interim Management (DÖIM) awarded HR interim manager Gisela Kollmann and ...<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings ...

Salami tactics are a big mistake Interim managers are supposed to act like a turbo for tasks and projects that need to be caught up, are ...<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings ...
210112 A.B.S. trifft..._ Dr. Martin Mayr_ Was Interim Management in Krisenzeiten so wertvoll macht - X

A.B.S. Blog: What makes interim management so valuable in times of crisis

A.B.S. Blog As a well-known saying by Christoph Martin Wieland goes, “Sometimes you can’t see the forest for the trees.” Especially ...<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings ...
201214 Artikel Interimmanagement WIKA Bgld Zeitung

BURGENLANDS Wirtschaft: What temporary managers bring to a company

BURGENLANDS Economy Interim Management – Missing know-how in a certain phase, special projects, a sudden emergency: There are many reasons to ...<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings ...
201005 Report Plus 10-2020 full - MMAyr

Report PLUS: Ways out of the crisis

Report PLUS An initial assessment shows that Austria’s companies have so far held their own quite bravely in the corona crisis ...<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings ...

Creditreform Magazine: LUXURY GAP FILLERS – How interim managers are driving digitalization forward

Creditreform MagazineDuring the Corona crisis, many companies realized that they had some catching up to do in terms of digitization. Interim ...<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings ...

personal manager: Interim Management for HR

personal manager Around 1,500 interim managers work in Austria. They step in when there is a fire in companies. But how ...<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings ...
200301 Manager auf Zeit im GEWINN

Profit: Manager on time

Profit They are called in to solve problems and disappear when their work is done: interim managers. What they bring SMEs, ...<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings ...
200216 leadersnet - Digitale Manager sind gefragt

leadersnet: Digital managers are in demand – a field report of a successful interim project

leadersnet The buzzword digital transformation affects all industries in today’s economy. Retailers are under particular pressure, however, and have to find ...<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings ...
191221 OOEN_kar_Interim

Upper Austrian News: Interim Managers: Younger and Younger and Still Experienced

Upper Austrian News The number of interim managers – people who take the lead for projects on a temporary basis – ...<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings ...
190801 - Report Plus Artikel

REPORT: Temporary executives

REPORT Brigitte Bierlein has taken over the management of state affairs on an interim basis – a hitherto unusual move in ...<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings ...
190618 Interview Dr Mayr

forma interim: “Yes, I am interim.”

forma interim Malte Borchardt: Dear Ludwig, thank you very much for your willingness to answer my questions. The reason for this ...<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings ...
190301 Interim-Management_ Was Manager auf Zeit einem Unternehmen bringen

PORT41: Interim management: What temporary managers bring to a company

PORT41 A lack of know-how in a certain phase, special projects, a sudden emergency: there are many reasons to use interim ...<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings ...
190125 FORMATDB_20190125_SEITE_60

trend.: Manager on time for selection

trend. The domestic scene in the field of interim management seems to be on the move at the moment. “A job ...<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings ...
180324 SN Artikel 4. KIM

Salzburger Nachrichten: Temporary managers are coaches

Salzburg News In family-run companies, external interim managers have to take into account other aspects besides business matters. SALZBURG. Salzburg is ...<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings ...
180210 OON_10_KAR_02

Upper Austrian News: The job of an interim manager is on the rise

Upper Austrian News Experts who professionally manage a company on a temporary basis need a lot of expertise and flexibility. A ...<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings ...

Salzburger Nachrichten: The managers in demand for time

Salzburg News The industry of temporary troubleshooters for companies in a crisis is experiencing strong growth. More and more often, the ...<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings ...
170517 GOiNTERIM - IM des Jahres und Case

GOiNTERIM: GOiNTERIM Manager is awarded Interim Manager of the Year 2017

GOiNTERIM The international industry association for interim management AIMP annually awards the best interim manager of the year. GOiNTERIM as a ...<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings ...
150701 unternehmens_insolvenz_die_geheimen_taktiken_der_banken

Corporate insolvency: The secret tactics of banks

Financing companies in crisis is a particular challenge for all parties involved – companies, consultants and banks. On the one hand, ...<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings ...
150621_Standard_IntMgmt boomt nicht wie erhofft

Career status: Temporary management is not booming as hoped

Career Status Maximum flexibility for companies, opportunities for senior managers to deploy their expertise on call: Interim management was predicted to ...<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings ...
150101 Artikel_Beste_Berater_1

brand eins: International award: GOiNTERIM honored – Best Companies 2015!

brand eins In the current issue of the industry report brand eins – management consultants – GOiNTERIM was awarded as one ...<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings ...
150423 Artikel in der SN

Temporary managers are more than stopgaps

They occupy key positions, but are usually not allowed to talk about it. The growing industry of interim managers now wants ...<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings ...
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