This year, our manager, Monika Manzl, was named Interim Manager of the Year. We at GOiNTERIM congratulate on the award!
The umbrella organization Österreichisches Interim Management (DÖIM) is the national platform of and for professionals in the field of interim management, whose purpose is to publicize and promote the profession of interim manager, to exchange experiences and network among members and to maintain quality standards. Every year, DÖIM selects the “Interim Manager of the Year”.
The industry award “Interim Manager of the Year”, initiated by DÖIM in Austria, is considered a strong signal for modern leadership and management in the business world. The award is presented annually at the Conference for Interim Management (KIM) in Salzburg. The winners are interim managers who are characterized by outstanding results for clients and a highly professional approach to their work.
The prize was awarded for the eighth time this year at a festive management dinner. The sponsor of the industry award initiated by GOiNTERIM is forma interim, a service provider for interim managers specializing in positioning, market presence and marketing. The winners and their projects are presented on the website www.interimmanager-des-jahres.at.
This year, the industry association presented the award to interim manager Monika Manzl. The expert for finance and restructuring was honored for her outstanding commitment in the important GOiNTERIM project “
Interim controlling in a renowned family-owned company in Tyrol
” was honored. The Chairman of the Board of DÖIM, Dr. Martin L. Mayr, congratulates the winner. “We have known Ms. Manzl for many years. She has made a very successful career as a consultant and interim manager, and the award is more than deserved. “ says Mayr, and continues “With this project you also show the implementation strength and the results of an interim management project!”
About the GOiNTERIM manager Ms. Monika Manzl:
Ms. Manzl has extensive expertise in the field of business administration and is characterized by her practical way of thinking. She has acquired her expertise in accounting and controlling over a period of more than 40 years. After working for almost a decade in a medium-sized company in a managerial position in both finance and HR, she founded her own consulting company. She was able to contribute her extensive know-how in almost all sectors of the diverse Tyrolean SME landscape.
Her consulting focus is on companies in crisis or undergoing major growth and change processes. As a controlling professional, she always has the figures under control and passes on her experience in corporate management as an appreciative sparring partner. She has already demonstrated her agility, negotiating skills and social competence in many successful restructuring projects.
Certifications, including the CTE (Certified Turnaround Expert) and CMC (international seal of approval for management consultants) confirm the high level of consulting. Customers also appreciate their hands-on mentality and the use of application-oriented tools.
The assignment: Interim controlling for the tourism division in broad multitasking mode
Over a period of 60 years, the traditional family-run company, based in Tyrol, has developed from a regional craft business into an international group of companies with an annual turnover of 3 billion euros and operates in the DACH region with numerous companies in the industrial, tourism and real estate sectors. Due to the rapid and diverse growth, continuous adjustments were made to the processes and the accounting and data processing systems were expanded to meet the increasing requirements. In short, an extremely agile and diversified company.
Working as an interim manager brought with it a number of challenges. At the start of the project, we were already in the budgeting phase without a direct handover from the previous controller, which led to knowledge gaps. Within just 2.5 months, budgets had to be drawn up for over 10 companies and monthly reports prepared in parallel.
From the perspective of the interim manager –Ms . Monika Manzl describes her exciting assignment with GOiNTERIM
“Working with a large number of different and new systems in a very short space of time was a challenge, despite my IT experience. The strong growth and personnel changes had led to a partly inconsistent data situation, which gradually became visible in the middle of the budget phase. Under great time pressure, additional control calculations and close coordination with the managers of the respective companies were necessary. Of course, this also led to uncertainty among those involved, as I questioned what had been done in the past. Through respectful cooperation, we were ultimately able to overcome all obstacles.”
In this phase, the following was determined for Ms. Mag.
Monika Manzl realized how valuable it is to be able to continue to carry out plausibility checks with “pen and paper” even in times of modern IT systems. Thanks to her many years of practical experience, she was able to quickly recognize where the figures were inconsistent. However, interim management requires more than just this high level of expertise. As you “step in” at a turbulent time, you also need human intuition and skill to complete the job successfully. The prizewinner has achieved this!
A successor has since been found for the position, and Ms. Manzl will ensure a solid transfer of knowledge before she leaves the company.
Would you like more information or do you have similar challenges? Talk to us, we will be happy to help you!
Dr. Martin Ludwig Mayr, Managing Director
+49 89 20 500 8695
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