7th KIM – Conference for Interim Management: “THE COLORFUL WORLD OF INTERIM MANAGEMENT” on 2. and September 3, 2022

With this year’s event motto, The Colorful World of Interim Management, we want to show the breadth of possible applications in interim management and the diversity of topics in our industry. And this by means of case studies and case studies of different assignments and mandates. It will be very colorful, very international and across all sectors.
And we also want to show the good and active cooperation between providers and interim managers, how does the cooperation work, who has which role and what added value does it bring for all parties: Interim Manager, Provider and Client! The success stories are therefore always presented together – a kind of double conférence!
The Management Dinner on the evening before will again be held in cooperation with the AIMP – Arbeitskreis Interim Management Provider – as FIM Forum Interim Management. Here you can contact all qualified interim providers from Austria, Germany and Switzerland.
It will be colorful and strong – let’s pop the balloons!
Program Overview:
- Dr.-Ing. Marei Strack, Chairwoman DDIM: Trends & Perspectives for Interim Management
- Dr. Andreas Suter, Chairman of the AIMP, Chairman of MAGNALIA: The specialist beats the generalist
- Christian Egger, Partner Management Factory Corporate Advisory: When the state of emergency becomes the only constant – a field report
- Dr. Harald Wachenfeld // Mr. Bùi Thế Anh (Jay), Managing Director IMS Interim Management Solutions // Interim Quality Manager: International Mandates – an exotic example from Vietnam
- Ulrich Wrede // Dr. Bodo Antonić, Partner, GOiNTERIM // Interim Manager Crisis – Sales – Life Sciences: Sales in crisis? No! – Yes, it is! – Ohh!
- Mag. (FH) Andreas Draxler // Mag. Wolfgang Fuchs, Member of the Board A.B.S. Factoring // SISCON Unternehmensberatung GmbH & Co KG: Back on the fast track with factoring – a practical case based on a wholesale company
- Malte Borchardt // Sandra Buchser, forma interim – marketing für macher // HR & Global Mobility: From Positioning to Brand ICH
- Constance Bräuning-Ast // Joachim Mozoni-Frosconi, Owner CBA Personalberatung // eufundus Interim Management & Consulting: Crisis-ridden companies in the area of conflict between restructuring and sale
- Keynote Speaker // Special Guest Florian Gschwandtner, Entrepreneur and Investor: The Future is NOW.