DÖIM Regional Event – Webinar

On 07 February, the next DÖIM regional event will take place as a free webinar. In addition to the active networking of the interim scene, there will also be an exciting lecture on the topic of
“In 6 steps to the self-marketing video”.
on the program.
Short content of the lecture:
In six compact steps, Franziska Sieger, founder and owner of erklärwerk GmbH, illustrates what is important when it comes to “self-marketing video”. Among other things, it explains why a video makes sense at all and what message it is supposed to convey. The personal presentation and the technology behind it are as much in the foreground as the actual production.
Due to her technical background and her background in economics, Ms. Sieger has developed a penchant and efficient methodologies to explain complex issues in a simple way over the last ten years. This is used in marketing and explainer videos, PowerPoint presentations on top management level or concepts.
The event will be held online on February 07 from 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Registration is requested at info@döim.org. Dr. Martin L. Mayr, Chairman of the Board of DÖIM, will guide you through the program.
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